Antiracist Riverside Focus Areas
Antiracist Riverside has identified several essential focus areas that must be addressed in order to create a city that exemplifies equity and inclusion. Members of our organization have dedicated their time and skills to represent Antiracist Riverside at City Government Commissions, Boards, and Taskforces. Because there is truly strength in numbers, Antiracist Riverside works with many partner organizations who have committed to dismantle racism within the City of Riverside.
If you wish to work on any of these issues, please email Antiracist Riverside or directly contact the lead organization mentioned.
Antiracist Riverside has been examining the effects that Restrictive Covenants have historically had in disenfranchising people of color from owning homes in various neighborhoods throughout the City of Riverside. Other housing issues are being considered such as the effect of the history of red lining and also loan and real estate practices past and current.
City of Riverside's Housing Plan
Antiracist Riverside has been participating in the State required update to the City’s 10 year housing plan. The need for low income housing and where new low income housing is being proposed is part of that effort.
Riverside County Equity and Justice Taskforce
Antiracist Riverside is working with the Riverside County Public Health Department through their Equity and Justice Task Force and the Health Coalition to identify areas of disparities and programs currently in place and needed. Input into the newly proposed health dashboard and discussion of needed data to provide further information on inequities in the City of Riverside is also occurring.
Likewise there is ongoing interaction with Riverside County Behavioral Health around disparities and access issues for services in the City.
Every child within the City of Riverside should have the opportunity to succeed in school.
Riverside School Districts
Members of Antiracist Riverside hold positions on both the Riverside Unified School District and Alvord Unified School District Boards. Antiracist Riverside monitors school board agendas and attends board meetings to address issues related to racial equity.
Equity in Policing
Police Reform
Antiracist Riverside is participating in a group lead by Inland Congregations United for Change which is reviewing previous recommendations on policing made by citizen groups and city appointed groups to determine what changes have occurred and what follow up action and other changes may be needed in police practices.
Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation
Your Voice Matters
ARR is facilitating a community input and visioning process called Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation. This effort aims to reach out to citizens of the city to have them identify their vision of a city without racism, identify existing issues of concerns, and develop an action plan for individuals and organizations to work on in a coordinated way. The Riverside County Department of Behavioral Health’s Cultural Liaisons and other local organizations such as NAACP and the Riverside Community Foundation are working with ARR to reach diverse communities in the City.